5 Questions with Vicky Partin
CVEM Co-Founder Vicky Partin recently was interviewed for her work in ministry. She currently serves as Diocesan Jubilee Officer for the Diocese of Atlanta and Vice President of the Episcopal Network of Economic Justice.
We love and are ever-inspired by Vicky! Here’s the article:
1) How long have you been affiliated with Jubilee Ministries, and in what capacity?
As Lay Missioner of the Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministry, I learned about Jubilee in the mid-1980’s, and the Ministry was designated a Center in l989. I first had the opportunity of serving on the Advisory Council for Jubilee with Ntsiki Langford and later with Carmen Guerrero, Chris Johnson, and Mark Stevenson, and often visited hopeful Centers for designation and evaluations. Over time I attended many Jubilee conferences around the country, networking with directors and conducting workshops. I currently serve on Jubilee’s Advisory team and have been trained in ABCD (Asset Based Community Development).
Called to Transformation is an asset-based approach to engaging Church and community, centered on the belief that individuals, groups, and communities possess unique gifts to cultivate positive change. For more information on this collaborative project of The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief & Development, click HERE.
2) What is/are your role(s) in your diocese? In your parish? In a ministry or ministries?
In the Diocese of Atlanta, I am the Diocesan Jubilee Officer where we currently have twelve Centers. At St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Columbus, I chair the Outreach Council and participate in all the outreach programs. In addition, I coordinate the maintenance and programs for the outdoor labyrinth on the grounds, giving me the opportunity to engage people in a more contemplative way.
In the community I volunteer with Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministry, BRIDGE for high school dropouts, Columbus State University’s Diversity Committee, Circles of Columbus, Mayor’s Committee for Diversity, Unity and Prosperity and assist with ABCD workshops in neighborhoods. I also serve as Vice-President of the Episcopal Network for Economic Justice.