Advent Reflections

Looking for some great reflections for Advent? These Reflections on Social Justice for the Season of Advent just may be for you!

This is the work of the Episcopal Networks Collaborative, comprised of the Episcopal Network of Economic Justice, Union of Black Episcopalians, and the Episcopal Ecological Network.

Here’s a little about the series: “The Advent readings provide rich material for reflecting on social justice topics. Advent is a time of preparation for celebrating the coming of the Messiah, the coming of God’s kingdom. The readings bring together the prophetic and Gospel traditions calling for a new social order based on peace and justice. Advent is a time to remember John the Baptist, the new Elijah who has come to challenge the rule of the men in soft robes who oppressed the poor. John the Baptist was preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah – the one that would bring justice to the world, to all creation. It is a time for us to reflect on what “living in the light of the Lord” (Is. 2:5) obliges us to do in caring for each other and our planet.”

Click HERE to download the meditations.