Update on Tiara Lawson

In our May newsletter, we shared the inspiring story of one of our clients, Tiara Lawson, and asked for contributions to help Tiara achieve her current career goal of obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Thanks to you, Tiara received $1,600 to help her reach this goal. This was greatly appreciated by Tiara, who worked overtime at her job to make up the other $1,800 needed. We are very happy to report Tiara is right on track and will graduate with her degree in December! This puts her one step closer to her ultimate goal of a master’s degree and certification as a Nurse Practitioner.

We thank you. Tiara thanks you.

In our previous article, we quoted Tiara as saying, “As my adulthood passed, I knew I needed to give my kids a stronger foundation to call home.” Today she is well on her way to doing exactly that as she awaits a closing date on the purchase of a home for her family! You can hear the excitement and pride in her voice as she speaks of getting things ready for their new home.

This is Tiara’s story … single mother of three (12 year-old twins and a 15 year-old), student, full-time employee as an R.N. at Jack Hughston Hospital (their 2015 Outstanding Nurse of the Year) and now new home owner. Congratulations, Tiara, as you continue to take leaps and bounds into the future.

And, again, we say “thank you” to those who have helped make Tiara and her family’s dreams come true.