Striving for Justice

Every month, CVEM hosts a Striving for Justice conversation where we discuss timely issues of justice. Our conversations are focused around a particular timely topic. We convene at 6:30-8 p.m. on the 4th Sunday of each month. The location shifts depending on the month, so make sure you get on our email list to keep up to date! ALL ARE WELCOME.
Email [email protected] to get reminders about future meetings!

100 Years of Women’s Voting Rights
Abandoned: Greed, Neglect and Environmental Injustice in Adel
A Place at the Table
Ashes to Ashes
Black Candle
Briars in the Cotton Patch
Columbus in America
Doctrine of Discovery: In the Name of Christ
Driving While Black
Flint: The Poisoning of an American City
History of Columbus and Racial Injustices
How to Overcome our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them
I Am Not Your Negro
Inequality for All
Just Mercy
The Black American Experience of U.S. Healthcare:
- The U.S. Medical System is Still Haunted by Slavery
- Black Patients Struggle with Equal Access (PBS Hour)
The Lynching of Henry ‘Peg’ Gilbert
The Myth of Thanksgiving: Native American Perspectives on The Pilgrims
The Other Side of Immigration
Today Explained Podcast: The Texas Transgender Panic
Trans-forming our Thoughts on Gender
Unbreathable: The Fight for Healthy Air
We All Have Implicit Bias
White Fragility (Author Presentation)
White Like Me